Monday, July 13, 2009

Vampire Knight

Oh, boy....where do I start.... Even though I actually found Vampire Knight entertaining, I thought the plot and characters were extremely cliche and with the same rehashed ideas as many of the previous vampire stories. This is Twilight all over. And I am not a fan of Twilight.

The story takes place in the world where humans and vampires are learning to live together. The Cross Academy has 2 class sessions - The Day Class for humans, and The Night Class for vampires. The students of the Night Class look older than the human students, more sophisticated and popular. Yuuki is a young girl, part of the Day Class, who is also a guardian with duties maintaining the peaceful environment at the academy. Basically, whenever the vampire students enter the school grounds, she has to fend off hoards of love struck Day Class students EVERY DAY. Zero is her partner and the boy with whom she was raised by the academy's chairman.

But, wait, it gets better! Yuuki has the Twilight syndrome of being extremely clumsy and awkward, but still manages to have everyone fall in love with her. Kaname is the leader of the vampire students, a noble (pureblood) vampire, who is often seen lounging around and daydreaming about Yuuki with a sad face, and he also likes to break his chest pieces. Zero is a second rate "made" vampire who loathes himself and other vampires and doesn't like to open up to anyone. Yuuki, of course, chases after both of them and can't decide whom she likes more. This Yuuki/Kaname/Zero love triangle is just hilarious. She can't maintain her composure every time Kaname-sama talks to her and jumps up every time he says her name, but she is perfectly alright with letting Zero suck on her neck.

I dislike the character of Yuuki. She looks like a midget in comparison to Kaname and Zero. Why girls like that are considered to be popular is beyond me. While both Kaname and Zero look like adults, she looks like a hyper 12 year old who is eager to protect everyone, but hasn't a slightest idea of how to do it.

The series are a combination of drama and comedy but I found the transition between the two to be extremely clumsy. The scenes where Zero deals with his vampire transformation look more comical than tragic. As Yuuki's true identity is revealed, it gave me a better understanding about why Kaname is in love with her, which made it even more disturbing. And the ending left a huge window for season 3.

I've read countless comments on youtube that season 3 will be released in January 2010. If that's the case, I personally hope that Vampire Knight will break free from the kiddie fantasy stereotypes and take on a more Gothic approach. I don't think that Fruit Baskets and vampires mix very well. And I still want to see more of Yuuki/Zero romance.

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