Wednesday, July 22, 2009

D. Gray-man

D. Gray-man is another great title from the shonen style anime. It starts out fairly basic - a young boy with strange powers, Allen Walker, joins a secret organization, Black Order, and becomes an exorcist. Exorcists use a divine phenomena, Innocence, in their fight against the dark phantom called Millennium Earl, who wants to fulfill an ancient prophecy by destroying the world. He targets those who are in mourning and creates Akuma (demons) from the dead.

The beginning episodes follow the general outline where Allan, Kanda, Lenalee, and later Lavi fight Akuma from one episode to another. The episodes circulate between these characters and their missions separate from each other. I like the fact that the episodes do not only concentrate around the main guy, Allan, but show the capability of the rest of the characters, who can function without him. Lenalee is surprisingly strong for a female character. She doesn't require any help in fighting Akuma, and manages to destroy a level 3 demon all by herself.

I didn't like the morality trips between the characters. Their holier-than-thou, "I want to fight even though I'm badly injured and I don't care if I get in the way" attitude to be extremely annoying. A lot of the dialog revolves around convincing each other that even though they are valuable assets, they should stay on the sidelines and not get in the way. Why? Because you are injured and you will get in the way! Also, there are some very heavy Christian themes that might be offensive to the religious folks. Some of the biblical stories are twisted. If you are religious and tempering with the Bible stories offends you, do not watch this.

If you're a fan of Bleach, you will mostly likely like D. Gray-man. It is not as comedic and violent as Bleach, but the story is very interesting and many of the characters are similar to Bleach's. But more importantly, there are no filler episodes!

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