Canon - official couple/pairing evidenced by manga and anime.
Crack - fan made couple, no substantial evidence from manga/anime.
Manga scans sourced from www.onemanga.com.
The Ulquiorra/Orihime (UlquiHime) pairing from the Bleach manga/anime is indeed a unique one, which is still deemed as "crack" by some fans. As a fellow UlquiHime fangirl I tremble with excitement at the thought of the two of them together. As I watched the anime, it made me wonder what's going on between those two, because they had more chemistry than everyone put together. But the manga made it so much clearer. It is darker, more in detail and explores their relationship a bit further than the anime. Unfortunately, due to the subtlety of their relationship, calling them canon might be still a little too early. But I think that Chapter 354 safely broke through that barrier. And they are at least semi-canon.
The first thing I've noticed about Ulquiorra is his completely uncharacteristic behavior when he is around Orihime or deals with issues surrounding her. One of the first contradictions is in the kidnapping scene, where he confronts her as she travels from Soul Society to the human world. Even before he contradicts himself, his monologue makes little to no sense to me. At first he mentions there only being two guards, and that it would be easy for him "to restrict [their] combined abilities" (Episode 139). Then, he completely switches topics and says that he doesn't like to "rush" when talking to others. Does anybody follow his trail of thought so far? And finally, here comes the contradiction. His sentences become short, straight to the point, and EXTREMELY commanding. Didn't he just say he doesn't like to rush?

(Contextually, the choice of words is a bit different between various translations of manga and subs in the anime, but the meaning is the same. Also, in Japanese Ulquiorra always refers to Orihime as "onna" which means woman/girl)
Notice Orihime's face at the top left corner. She is not scared and helpless. She is defiant. That's an interesting twist in her character.
We know that he wanted to put her into a complete psychological trap without a possible way out. But I found his blunt orders and mental domination full of sexual connotations. (In the anime, his voice and manner of speaking made it even more convincing) It was as if he was seducing her. It felt like he wanted her to submit to HIM, instead of Aizen. Come (be) with me, woman.
Even though Kubo said that he doesn't intend to develop romance in Bleach, I don't think it is a coincidence the way he developed UlquiHime. There are just too many details suggesting at the very least Ulquiorra's growing attachment/attraction to her. There are too many closeups of them together, looking at each other. There are too many scenes of Ulquiorra's obvious presence where Orihime is concerned. It's like Kubo went out of his way to show Ulquiorra's growing interest in her.

Other examples of uncharacteristic behavior are the compliments. Ulquiorra told Orihime that she looked good in the Arrancar uniform. Then he commented to himself that she is a strong willed woman after she told him, without flinching, that her body and mind belong to Aizen. But he knew that she did not feel that way and that she was still loyal to her friends.
He is also being *gasp* considerate. Because the second time he comes in, during the famous "slap" scene, he actually announces his presence. Before he came in without a word and scared the lights out of her. Where did your nihilistic and apathetic attitude disappear too, Espada-san?

The look in the bottom left corner is priceless. Why's he looking away?

Why does he even bother to try to convince her not to think about her friends? That wasn't in the job description. What is he trying to do? Is it his own dysfunctional way of trying to make her feel better? No offense, Espada-san, but you suck at it.
I am not here to comfort you. You don't say...

And Orihime, the sweet, good natured, won't-hurt-a-fly, Orihime had enough guts to "hurt" someone physically? (WHAT?!?!?) His uncharacteristic behavior is odd enough, but this...?! We've never seen this before. She is angry, she is fearless, she is...dangerous. She is...self-sufficient. She does not need Ichigo to stand up for her. (Score!) Good work, No. 4!
Finally, after Ulquiorra leaves, rambling on that he'll force feed her if she doesn't eat (yeah, yeah...), she bursts into tears and he stands outside of her door listening to her cry. (Ch. 262) Oh what a shame they didn't put it into anime!

After the subject of Rukia does not work, Ulquiorra proceeds to tell Ichigo that it was him who brought Orihime to Hueco Mundo. Talk about a lack of subtlety and a complete out-of-wack behavior. Rushing much, Espada-san?
Ulquiorra does not act on a whim, he does not go around looking for fights, unless Aizen instructs him to. Is this a direct provocation to have Ichigo fight him? Why? The interesting thing is that this scene happens soon after Orihime slaps Ulquiorra when he persuades her to forget her friends. In other words, is this done out of jealousy? Is Ulquiorra trying to get rid of Ichigo? To prevent him from taking Orihime away? Have you found a reason to fight me? This proved to me that Ulquiorra was absolutely adamant about fighting Ichigo. He certainly didn't do it for Aizen, who did not issue any such orders. So that means that he did it for no other than himself.
The oddest thing about Ulquiorra's behavior here, is that he previously criticized Nnoitra for being an idiot and rushing into battle without first receiving orders from Aizen. And here he is doing exactly the same. What happened to the attitude about strictly following orders?
At the end, Ulquiorra impales Ichigo in the chest telling him that he cannot win. But he doesn't kill him. He tells him to leave because there is no chance for victory, or die where he is without any further fruitless struggles. This further proves that Ulquiorra doesn't go around looking for death matches and has no desire to kill just because, this was personal. And perhaps, the reason why he didn't finish off Ichigo is because of Orihime.

Despite trying to maintain his signature poker face, Espada-san looks royally pissed off. That's what you get for taking his woman. Bad, Grimm, bad! And here we go again with the painfully obvious closeups. He looks at her, he expects an explanation. He scowls, she looks guilty. It could be my imagination, but his expression softens after he looks at her. Surprisingly, the girl doesn't get angry or defiant. (Not even a little bit after learning that the big bad Ulquiorra nearly killed Strawberry-kun?) She looks guiltily away. Tsk, tsk, tsk, no fraternizing with the other boy Espada while your man is away.
Orihime's really surprised me. It looks like she feels guilty for going against Ulquiorra. Why would she feel guilty even though Grimmjow took her by force? Can it be that she developed some sort of loyalty towards him or maybe she kinda likes him....a little bit? She certainly never looked like she was ever afraid of him. (Defiance, climatic slap, refusing to eat) The plot thickens.

All of these little nuances cannot be a coincidence. Why did Ulquiorra have to appear in the throne room and nowhere else? He already proved to be a fast traveler when he found Grimmjow with Orihime. Sounds like Kubo purposely gave them the alone moments to emphasize that there is something going on between them.

Ok, maybe not like that, but initially Ulquiorra had no beef with Ichigo. Even before their first "Rukia is dead" rumble, they had no conflict. Ulquiorra even prevented Grimmjow from finishing the fight with Ichigo after the kidnapping scene, saying that the mission is over. And now it is an all out war. Why is Ulquiorra so set on fighting Ichigo AGAIN?!?! Sounds more like a personal grudge than anything else. But Ulquiorra is not the type to act on a whim and hold grudges! Can Espada-san be any more obvious?

Him touching her chest is unexpected and oh so out of character. You aren't obvious at all, Espada-san.

Aizen's direct orders are: I'll leave Las Noches to you, Ulquiorra. (Ch. 315) He does not give any other orders such as killing (especially those who are not interested in destroying Las Noches...yes, that would be Ichigo), destroying property, stepping on flower beds, etc. So why would Ulquiorra want to fight Ichigo? Disobeying orders again there, aren't ya, No. 4? I can't find any possible explanation for Ulquiorra's desire to fight Ichigo. Ichigo is not interested in destroying Las Noches, he just wants to take Orihime and the rest of his friends home. If Ulquiorra did not stop him, Ichigo would mostly likely take the girl and leave. He is not a threat to Las Noches, No.4. He is a threat to YOU. Killing you is protecting Las Noches. Admit it, Espada-san, you can't come up with a better excuse to kick his ass because he is about to steal your woman.
For someone who doesn't like to rush, Ulquiorra is pretty quick at drawing his sword. Ichigo notices too. Ulquiorra wasn't this quick even during his first fight with Ichigo. But here, he sees Ichigo as a serious rival. Ulquiorra is dead serious about this.
I see you as someone who must be destroyed. Of course you do, No. 4, he wants to take your onna away from you.

Some would argue that Ulquiorra fell in love with Orihime. Others would say that he was only fascinated by her humanity. Maybe both. But the undisputed fact is that he definitely felt for her one way or another. Perhaps, by being an Arrancar, he didn't have enough time to figure out what it was. Nevertheless, their relationship goes far beyond the one of a captor and his prisoner.
Final thoughts:
What fascinates me the most about Ulquiorra x Orihime is their completely uncharacteristic behavior when they are together. When they are by themselves there is nothing special. He is a silent, pragmatic, unmovable robot. And she is a typical damsel in distress unable to stand on her own, a generic shoujo character. Put them together, and we have a chemical explosion. He gets awfully chatty, almost emotional, and starts to give a damn. And she is actually able to stand up for herself without relying on others to do it for her.
"I am acting on Aizen-sama's orders" stopped making sense after the scene where Espada-perv wanted to tie Orihime down and force the food down her throat. Perhaps, Ulquiorra could not deal with his growing attachment (because he is a Hollow who can't understand human interaction), and still tried to convince himself that he was following some imaginary orders. It is even more obvious in the later scenes. How some people don't see it is beyond me. Perhaps, they don't read the manga and just watch the anime for the sake of action.
Overall, I find them the most exciting pair in the entire series. And who said that a villain cannot be redeemed? It happened before in other stories. In his last moments Ulquiorra did get his redemption through finding his heart. I am sad that Ulquiorra is gone, but I am optimistically hopeful that Kubo will bring him back with a boom.
I don't expect Kubo to pair everyone one up and turn Bleach into Marmalade Boy. But his characters and their relationships seem way too complex to just be platonic. I think subtle romance will bring a nice kick to the story.
HOWEVER, Ichigo could really benefit from some toning down. For a human (even though he is half shinigami), he is disgustingly overpowered.
Dude, you are my idol *A*! I only wish I found about this place sooner xD You pretty much discussed every possible cirucumstance as to how they are so epic together <3 THANKS~ Oh, one more point you can add...above when Ulqui is provoking Ichigo and says he was the one who kidnapped Orihime, notice he called her by her first name instead of onno...and also notice the fact that Ichi always calls her Inoue... :o More provoking/showing his familiarity to Ori arnt you Ulqui? :3 Dont know if it counts, but thats what I see :D Anywhoo, thanks again :D --Rayne
ReplyDeleteI not really too crazy about orihime being with ulquiorra.when he died and reach for orihime it was so sad, I thought i would cry but i came close enough. I did sense a sort of connection between them when i did my research on ulquiorra ( I read about things on the internet before I watch or read the manga). I do know one thing, even though im not a fan of ulquixhime i can say that the thought of it is kool and it is a good idea to feel strongly about. I hope this isnt confusing to anyone I not shoot down the idea of Ulquiorra+orihime im just giving it a thumbs up. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much though :D You make an excellent argument nontheless...--Rayne
ReplyDeleteFINALLY!A person thinks da same way I do!!!!!!!!!Ur da 1st person who sees Ulquiora's feelings n weird behaviour!
ReplyDeleteI'm also an UlquiHime fan!I jus LOVE dis couple!
ReplyDeleteWhat you said hit the dot nicely but other connections say that Ulquioora didn't find his heart in his hand, He had his heart but didn't know his emotions anymore. He was feeling Orihime's heart in his hand. She ignited a spark in his heart making it beat once more. That's why they had so many quarrels. They reacted to each other.I strongly find these pair intensely interesting.
ReplyDeletei balled my eyes uoymat hhat last scean in the anime . ididdnt want him to die. stupid ichigo
ReplyDeleteIn the most recent chapters or book or something, two of the espadas in hell, looking for the gates so they can get out. Maybe all the espadas, including No. 4, will end up in hell and find a way out. Unfortunately though, even if Ulqui does come back, I don't think they'll ever actually be together. He's emptiness, doomed to be alone. Sad, but it's what he is.
ReplyDeleteYou haven't understood a thing from this epic essay, have you?
DeleteMake no mistake, I do LOVE this pair. Anything with lust, envy, and emotional pain seems to get me, especially love triangles.
ReplyDeleteTHIS S AMAZING! I just read all of these straight down!
ReplyDeleteI love your side note, it made me crack up sometimes :D
Love it! This is proof! I really love this pairing since its so deep and it really has so much potential, I hope Ulquiorra comes back :(
Orihime should have used Souten Kesshun to revive Ulqiorra. hahahaha
ReplyDeletewhat an obvious couple!
aww,,i hope ulquiorra comes back...i like ulquihime..but I Love IchiHime.<333
ReplyDeletehey i'm an ulquihime fan and i found another scene, FROM THE ANIME ITSELF,... that's when Ulquiorra's already in his complete Murcielago skin and when he was on top of one of the pillars on the roof of Las Noches where he was hoisting Ichigo up in the air with his deadly tail and at the time that Orihime arrived up there with the help of Uryuu?... It's funny when EVEN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FIGHT, HE STILL NOTICES ORIHIME'S ARRIVAL, TURNS TO LOOK AT HER EVEN IN THE MIDDLE OF HIS FIGHT WITH ICHIGO AND SAID THESE UNFORGETTABLE LINES: "OH I KNEW YOU'D COME, WOMAN,..."
Oh my God! This is almost exactly what i thought when i read the manga and watched the anime. I almost cried when ulquiorra died though -_-
ReplyDeleteI LOVE ULQUIHIME! Ulquiorra is amazing but infurating. He's just so confused.
ReplyDeleteI think you my be forgetting the time when Ulquiorra first appears with Yami, he is observing Orihime for the first time. he comments to himself "you're a strange one aren't you?" He shows that there is a spark of interest there towards Orihime.
ReplyDeleteThen there is a clip from the anime as Ulquiorra is leading Ichigo to the roof. Uryuu thinks to himself about how bad it would be for Orihime if Ichigo released his riatsu.
Also in the anime Ep. 136 Ulquiorra is back surveying the area where he first observed Orihime, just take a look at the expression on his face there. He is actually visualizing Orihime.
And you do notice that in the anime that she is the only thing reflected in his eye. Did he not state in both manga and anime that things not reflected in his eyes do not exist?
Even after the first fight with Ichigo, his clothes were torn. He went to see Orihime in newer clothes, like he was "dressed to impress."
It's just the little things like that, that make you wonder why go through all that trouble around Orihime if she is just a worthless human?
I always liked how Ulquiorra has the 2 marks on his face. Almost like tear streaks.
ReplyDeleteWhen you see him in the last 2 cells while Orihime is reaching for him it looks like he's crying. At least that's what I picture.
ReplyDeleteYou are amazing! I read this entire blog post without even doing anything else but squealing like a UlquiHime fan girl.
ReplyDeleteUlquiorra once said that those things that his eyes can't see doesn't exist right?
But in the last moments when Ulquiorra disappeared, his eyes had shown a reflection of Orihime when he said "Just when I'm interested in you humans."
Alright, my point might not prove anything, but I just wanna share it to you :)
Thanks for making this post!
OH my GAWD. you are a god.
ReplyDeletei was practically squealing like a fucking fangirl throughout reading the things that you wrote. i came here after watching & reading the ep/chapter when Ulquiorra died. i was devastated. i kept wishing she had grabbed and hugged him or something T______T.
you made me happy knowing that there was someone who was so devoted and loved to prove that there was indeed something there between Ulquiorra & Orihime <3 XDDDD
thankyouuuuuuuuuuuuu <3
*goes off to continue reading the manga.
- HHT.
ReplyDeleteDamn it posted on 2009, but i just read it today gaahhhh XD
This is what i want, clue and research !!!
you're really put attention on every details ^__^
Thanks for this nice post.
no doubt again CTRL + D *wink*
Thank you for nice post .I love Ulquiorra. And wishing he back and be with Orihime again. T^T Too sad that he was disappear.
ReplyDeleteYAY!!! I love UlquiHime so much x33
ReplyDeleteIs the best couple of bleach, there is connection, passion, sexual tension */////*
Is so obvious Ulquiorra really had feelings for Orihime, is not only curiosity, she was a very VERY special person for him. Yes, Ulquiorra felt a strong attraction for her and that´s why he fought with Ichigo, becouse he wanted to keep her.
Thanks a lot for the nice argument ,,, this orihime-ulquiorra couple is way too better than the with ichigo ,,,, i really wished for them to stay together some how :((
ReplyDeleteBitter sweet pairing
ReplyDeleteIs it wrong for me to keep hoping ulquiorra will come back in this final arc? I mean look at some of the other espada and those fullbringers. Why the hell not?
ReplyDeleteI'm so damn happy that people still comment on this thing eventhough it's from 2009. :D You made it clear, and it's always a pleasure to read Ulquihime essays! And I strongly believe Ulquiorra is going to come back... There are a lot of clues out there. And Kubo knows himself how much Ulquiorra (and Ulquihime) is appreciated. ~peace!
ReplyDeleteNice Essay ! but too bad. The way you exaggerate on every scene is way overboard. Overthinking like that and you will never see the true meaning of the plot of the anime you`re watching. I know you realized it already but the true meaning of the way Ulquiorra`s behavior is, "Human". How humans act and their behaviors like when if its comes to their friends, fights for them even though they have no chance of winning. in short he is confused and became curious why Humans does things illogically. and that is why he noticed Orihime. not because he`s in love at first sight or anything about love but because as you said, out of all characters, Orihime is a pure-hearted, kind and always care for her comrades. and the last scene when he was dying, he now realized and understand what does a human have that he don`t have. it is HEART. so sad to say, Ulquihime is a 100% pureblooded CRACK pair.
ReplyDeleteJaja amigo te equivocas. Porque debo informarles que el mismo tite kubo afirmó que Ulquiorra se enamoró de Orihime, esta en el relationship chart oficial de bleach. Saludos.
DeleteYou answered all my questiond about this pairing....... its sad that ulquiorra kun is gone but i have weird feelings that he going to come back for his onna.... but i cried on episode 272 when he died... stupid ichigo......
ReplyDelete2014! Haha! I loove this! It just proved so many things about them!
ReplyDeleteI have to say just finished episode 272 and find myself devastated. Ulquiorra and Orihime are perhaps my favorite pairing in bleach. Hopefully UIquiorra will return just when Orihime is going to get killed or something. The way you analyzed his mannerisms around her is spot on. I wish I started watching and reading Bleach sooner. Great article!
ReplyDeleteIt's been years since I finished watching the anime and I'm keeping up with the manga (the hope for the return of Ulquiorra was far-fetched and it's sadly diminished). I loved this pairing from the start. There were too many moments between them that screamed "more than prisoner and captor." I loved the way Ulquiorra's character was given more depth every single time he interacted with Orihime. I was younger back then so I didn't really analyze anything but I'm writing a fanfic from Ulquiorra's point of view right now and I have been analyzing his character and their interations for a bit now and I agree with a lot of what you said. Some parts were a bit exaggerate (my fangirl side says NOOO, but my writer side says YES) but for the most part you did a great job. His death was sad and unnecessary, (YOU BUTT, ICHIGO.) but that's not to say his final scenes weren't nice. It was nice to know he had changed from the beginning but it was tragic that we weren't able to see just how far this change would go. If Kubo ever brought him back, many would call BS, but I bet they would all secretly enjoy his continued character development. He was one of the most interesting characters and it was disappointing to see him go.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't call it love cause it's too soon, however, I do like to see them together. If Kubo makes a law about what happens to Arrancars/Souls when killed by Ceros then he could take it from there.. Allowing the return of Ulquiorra. Slot of people know that Bleach is shining, therefore, he tries to focus less on romance. But for me, I believe that if he just stayed a little while longer that they could have ateast been closer. You have a very great imagination and I respect it! :)
ReplyDeleteAbout my previous comment, I meant alot of people know that Bleach is Shonen, not shining
ReplyDeleteAbout my previous comment, I meant alot of people know that Bleach is Shonen, not shining
ReplyDeleteAaaand the manga officially ended with Ulquiorra never making his return. *sigh* The way Bleach ended was so disappointing for me...
ReplyDeleteWow I found this article in 2018 lol but love the points you brought up. From watching the anime and reading some of the manga I can say that Ulquiorra was infutated if nothing else with Orihima maybe more possessive even. He Couldve killed her or let her go with her friends back home but he doesn't. I don't care what anyone else says there was definitely something going through his mind about Orihime that made him act so uncharatistically.
ReplyDeleteI loved this, thank you for this amazing article, I droped bleach and recently found out about Ulquiorra,s fate. wow this guy well both him and Inoue had so much potential.
ReplyDeleteThis is very appealing, however , it is very important that will mouse click on the connection: Anime T
ReplyDeleteYou didn't exaggerate anything.
ReplyDeleteI mean, what other logical reason could explain his behavior towards her? There is another one; he was totaly crazy. But I don´t believe it possible. We don´t know whats going on in their heads because it is a shonen, we don't find out anything unless it's a fight, we only see inside their minds when they are going to fight against the enemy, we can´t see about love or feelings.
Ulquiorra needed an excuse for his actions because Aizen would have killed him if he had done something out of his command. Aizen knew Ulquiorra was too dangerous on his own. Thats why he left Orihime in Las Noches. Aizen technically sent him in the direction of Orihime in order to protect that place, just as he sent Rukia in the direction of Kurosaki Ichigo. Yet, Ulquiorra is still alive, his soul is regenerating somewhere in the desert, those were the words of Tite Kubo.
The strange thing is; the last thing he touched was Orihime's hand, not to mention the fact she´s a fullbringer who can heal. And, in the opening Miwa-Change, we can see her hand as she were healing (or helping to regenerate) Ulquiorra´s arm. In the last scene when they almost held hands, few minutes before, in the same opening, we can look Orihime from Ulquiorra´s point of view. She appears in the hollow of his chest, where his heart is supposed to be... So, Orihime was his HEART.
There are a lot of people involved in the creation and development of an anime, Tite isn´t the only boss in this project. Ulquihime perhaps was a part of a general idea that didn't develop for personal reasons. I mean, the manga was going in one direction and suddenly ended up in a completely different one...
In my career we professionally analyze authors, and I can assure you that ichiruki and ulquihime had every reason to be. But, probably for personal reasons, the author changed the story to be faithful to the first ending that came to his mind when he drew the story for the first time (when he Ichigo had black hair, Orihime was ugly and Rukia became a tiny shinigamy). I have learned anything in my three years of career, is the fact that no author could be fully trusted. They always have a lengthy personal story behind a controversial decision.
I was a little kid when I discovered these two in a random video. I was shocked because
I thought I was very similar to "the drawn girl" (Orihime). Then I saw that "demon" (Ulquiorra), he looked just like the man I lived with, it was like his cartoon version. I laughed a whole year for that coincidence, he didn´t, he always had that "no-sense-creepy" face, but I loved him anyway. "Miracles happen" I said. The same black hair, the voice, pale skin... Seven years have passed, he is no longer with me (he´s dead), but I still love him with all my heart and I cry every night for him. I had to tell this somewhere. Im sorry. Thats why it (Ulquihime) means a lot to me.
I love this. I still feel hurt when I think about ulquiorras death because that's how obsessed I was as a 12 year old kid and it still haunts me. Hahaha. Crazy how a fictional character can create such strong attachments to people. Anyways this blog cracked me up! Good one. 😂
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI think you hit all obvious and subtle points on the head. They definitely have "it" (tension, angst, potential, sex appeal). I hope they will bring Ulquiorra back now that more Bleach episodes are being made. Not to necessarily be with Orihime, but maybe to give him a less tragic end.
ReplyDeleteI love and appreciate your explanations. I would love for this pairing to happen even though it has been nany years later. I was always fascinated by these two and would love a one off story from the author to have them end up with each other.
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